Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sleepy Morning

Chrissy and Pete have a little nightly ritual. In the middle of the night, when Pete gets up to use the facilities, he walks over to the gate by the kitchen and "fake coughs" a couple of times. That's Chrissy's clue to come running. The other dogs sleep right through it. Chrissy runs straight to the bedroom and waits for me to pick her up and snuggle in right between us. Pete jumps right up in the morning and is ready to go when his feet hit the floor. Chrissy and I, however, take a while to get into focus and procrastinate as long as possible before making a move. We had a few really warm nights, but last night was cool again and Chrissy really needed coaxing this morning!

BTW, we would use everyone's help on a very important matter! We have a favorite set of sheets that are the softest, coziest sheets I have ever felt. They're an old, thin set of flannels. Unfortunately, they're really becoming threadbare. What are the absolute softest sheets you've ever had and where did you get them?

PeeEss from Roscoe: Are they canine approved?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Emma and the Birds

I've told you before about how much Emma loves our conure, Petey.
Well, now she seems to be equally enthralled with the chicks! She would stand there looking at them all day if Mom would let her!
She must have been a bird in a previous life...
Meanwhile, I gave them a quick once-over and then found better things to do -
sniffing around and looking outside. Mom said she bought weight-control dog food today and we all have to eat it. I told her to look at this picture of me and think again. I'm ready for summer! Maybe she'll just have to supplement my diet with lots of treats!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

So Big!

These little chicks have gotten so big so fast! Actually, this picture was taken last week and they still looked like babies then. This week they are at an awkward stage with half fuzz/half new feathers coming in and more adult looking heads. I don't want to say they're looking kind of ugly, but...let's just say they aren't quite as cute! The 2 chicks that we got free because they were being picked on are thriving - yeah!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just Because I'm So Cute!

Mom said I got this bone just 'cause I'm so cute!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Newest Babies

We weren't planning on getting any chicks, but they were on sale and we couldn't resist!We got 15 Golden Comets and also took 2 others for free, a Golden Comet and a Rhode Island Red, that were being picked on and pecked. I'm happy to say that they're doing fine with our little group. Roscoe and gang haven't seen them - we're not quite sure what they'd do!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, Joanna will never have puppies again! She was spayed a week ago on Monday, and she goes to get her stitches out tomorrow. The vet said that her uterus had a lot of lesions and was brittle so she may not have made it through another pregnancy. Thank goodness she was retired and got to come live with us! (Thank you Donna for believing in your gut feeling about her!)She looks happy and healthy, doesn't she? The vet did say that she is overweight and that Daddy simply must stop feeding her table scraps. I guess she gained 1 lb. since she came to live with us - not that long ago.
Oh-oh, she didn't mean that I couldn't have table scraps, did she?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finally - Concrete!

For a few years now Daddy has been waiting to finish the floor in the last section of the barn. Today the concrete was poured and it's looking great! Of course, it will be a while before Daddy lets me walk on it now. The picture below shows me checking out the rebar to see if it was properly laid (it was)!
Today Mommy had her first class in Reiki. Would you believe that the Reiki Master who taught the class, Kelly, has 2 pugs, and another girl in the class named Heather has 3 pugs! Heather is a mobile dog groomer who believes in many types of holistic medicine for her pets. For instance, they have acupuncture monthly. Very interesting and Heather is very knowledgeable about dogs so Mommy said she enjoyed speaking with her.

Happy Easter to all!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where's Waldo? I mean... Roscoe?

Who, me? Spinning Daddy's chair around?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009