Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finally - Concrete!

For a few years now Daddy has been waiting to finish the floor in the last section of the barn. Today the concrete was poured and it's looking great! Of course, it will be a while before Daddy lets me walk on it now. The picture below shows me checking out the rebar to see if it was properly laid (it was)!
Today Mommy had her first class in Reiki. Would you believe that the Reiki Master who taught the class, Kelly, has 2 pugs, and another girl in the class named Heather has 3 pugs! Heather is a mobile dog groomer who believes in many types of holistic medicine for her pets. For instance, they have acupuncture monthly. Very interesting and Heather is very knowledgeable about dogs so Mommy said she enjoyed speaking with her.

Happy Easter to all!


  1. Hi Roscoe,

    Wow, that sounds like a neat class! I don't know if I could sit still long enough for acupuncture. Happy Easter!

    Sniffs and licks,


  2. hi roscoe!
    oooo what an exciting post! your mom and dad are the coolest just like you!

    have a great easter!

    m & e

  3. Hi Roscoe!

    Good job helping with the barn.

    Our Mom has been thinking about taking a Reiki class too! She's hoping to take one some time in the summer.

    Happy Easter!
    Pearl & Daisy

  4. Isn't that a neat idea? I will have to look into the Reiki.

    Good thing you helped your dad with the rebar..
