Monday, March 30, 2009

Emma's Trip to the Vet

My poor, sweet sister had to go to the vet today! We all got very excited when Mom got the leash out, and when she put it on Emma we were sooooooooooooo sad that we couldn't go along. I made it very difficult for Mom to even get out of the door, but she still wouldn't take me with them. If I'd known they were going to the vet then, I would have run the other way! Emma had her yearly visit and Mom wanted them to look at the skin on her back. It turns out she has canine seborrhea oleosa - yuck! Mom has special shampoo for her and the vet said she should get better soon (but she'll probably always have to use that shampoo). When she got back home we all surrounded her like we hadn't seen her in days and gave her a big welcome. I love her seborrhea and all!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wow - Our First Award!

Thank you Rachel, Winston and Clementine at Ladypug Mugs for the award! I'm so excited!

Here are the award's rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write five random things about yourself.
4. Tag random people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged.

Five random things about us:
1. From Roscoe - I know how to make a face that Daddy can't resist at mealtimes. Sometimes I can even make it look like I'm about to cry. (Don't tell him I'm pretending.)
2. From Emma - I'm trying to break my addiction to Petey the bird. The last time I was in the living room I sat on Daddy's lap and tried not to even look at Petey.
3. From Sue - I'm going to start the first level of Reiki training next month and I can't wait to try it on Roscoe! I hope it will relax him a bit.
4. From Chrissy - I wish Mommy could hold me and carry me around every second of the day. She says she feels guilty when I look at her with my sweet little face!
5. From Joanna - I only bark because it's the only way I can get any attention around here! I may be the smallest but I'm also the loudest!

Now it's my turn to pass the award. I'm new to blogging but I have some favorites I check in on all the time and reading them inspired me to start this blog. Of course Clover and Ladypug Mugs already have the award, but here are a few more I just love to read:

The World According to Pearl

Too Cute Pugs

Life is Art...Art is Life

Chronicles of Pugs

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's that I smell?

Today Mom had to take a day off school for an appointment, so she and Dad decided it would be a good day to also clean out the chicken coop. Dad says the chickens work hard to make good fertilizer for the vegetable garden. Mom says it's nice that it's good for something! Now all the "girls" are happy in their clean coop with nice clean wood shavings in their laying boxes. Here's a picture Dad took of them. Aren't they pretty?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thank you Clover!

Roscoe here. Thanks to Clover and his Mom I have lots of new friends to visit - Rachel at Ladypug Mugs, Coco, Mya Boo Boo, Tibby, Roxie and Lucky - I can't wait! Clover you have been so very helpful!

Last night when we were all hanging out in the living room, I found this cute little blue toy on the floor. I thought Mom must have left it just for me. Chrissy and Joanna were looking at me like I was nuts! They said it looked like a CAT TOY to them! Those girls are such purists. Emma didn't have an opinion - she was totally enraptured with Petey the Bird and didn't even know the rest of us were there.
Catnip tastes good! Mom said it couldn't make me wilder than I already am!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trips to the Living Room

Tonight I got to stay in the living room for a whole hour! I was such a good boy! Chrissy and Joanna were pretty boring and stayed on the couch with Mom, and Emma just hung out with that wacky bird. I livened things up once or twice but overall Mom said I was very good. Most of our time is spent in the big kitchen. We all have our crates in there (Mom and Dad leave the doors open so we can use whichever one looks best to us at the moment) and our food and water and SO MANY TOYS, and that's where Mom and Dad spend a lot of time. But going into the living room at night is a great treat.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Finally new photos!

Mom finally got around to taking some new photos of us so she can post some here. We're all very photogenic! Dad's working evenings this week so Mom let us stay in the living room with her for a LONG time to keep her company.

Here's a picture of Chrissy and me chatting on the couch. We have some very good conversations.

Emma has kind of a strange fascination for Petey, the conure. Mom keeps telling her that Petey is a different species altogether, but we don't think she quite gets it. She spends all of her time in the living room up on the back of the chair staring at Petey. Petey's not afraid of her at all - he comes right up to the side of the cage Emma's at and hangs out with her.

By the way, here's a nice close-up of Emma. Mom's friend Donna picked her up a dog grooming kit at a garage sale this summer, and since then we never quite know how Emma's going to look. Mom gave her a hair-cut this weekend and this time it came out pretty cute!