Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Are you ever really alone?

My view from the bathtub:

When your family includes members with 4 legs, you're never truly alone!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Good Old Summertime

What? Dogs aren't supposed to sit on tables? Who would have guessed!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Help - Mom needs a day off!

What's that you say - your mother has the whole summer off from school? Then why is she always running around and still hasn't gotten around to putting her feet up and opening up a good book? I guess the truth is that she just likes to stay busy. Taking a day off always sounds wonderful, but after a couple of hours she needs to find someplace to go or something to do. I can always help her out with that! Here's a cute picture of little Joanna out in the pen. That chewy tire is almost as big as she is!
Emma is crazy afraid of thunderstorms and fireworks. None of the rest of us are. She gets so nervous she doesn't know if she wants to be held or hide. So she does both. She is just so on edge she can't decide what would make her feel better. Mommy tried putting her in the crate and covering it up with blankets, but she tried to squeeze her way out between the wire on the crate.
Do any of you guys get scared like that? Is there anything that helps you feel better? Mom and Dad will try anything.

Here's another picture from our July 4th barbeque. We have a HUGE yard, but Mom and Dad squeezed us in one little area near the back door. I think it was because she wanted to stay close to our pen. This picture shows Mom showing Emma and I off to some of the guests. Emma is excited to see Frank, who she used to live with a couple of years ago. They were good pals and she sure remembered him!

Big news - we're getting a new chicken coop at the end of the week! Dad bought a shed from a lady who is moving and he and Mom are going to convert it for the chickens! Cool! They also bought a small outdoor wire kennel that they're going to attach to the shed so the chickens can go outside. Mom says they'll have to put wire over the top so the chickens won't get taken by hawks and so they won't plan any escapes!

Happy Tuesday!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is it already July?

Hello everyone! Can't believe it's already July. We're so glad Mom is home with us this summer and we try to keep her busy. We've been spending lots more time outside in our pen. Emma and I can go out on our own, but Mom has to come with us when Joanna and Chrissy come out. Mom and Dad are too afraid that a hawk will swoop down and take one of them! They've seen hawks grab rabbits that are bigger than those two little girls are. We had a big July 4th party here and I overheard Mom and Dad talking about how good we were (especially me - apparently they were worried I'd get too wild?!?!) There were lots of family and friends here for us to visit with and we used our manners most of the time. Dad cooked us our own little hamburger like he always does (we love to see that grill come out!) Here's a couple of pictures that Mom's neice Samantha took that day. She also took the picture of the chickens - those white chickens are the little chicks from a month ago! They're full size now but haven't started laying eggs yet. Aren't they pretty?

Here's me in my "company's coming collar" that the dog trainer gave us. It has little plastic tips on the end of each piece of metal so it doesn't hurt my neck.

Here's Emma giving us one of her "cutie pie" looks.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Roscoe's Back!

Can't believe we've been gone so long! Mom said she was extremely busy and couldn't find time to blog - but we kept up with everyone else's blogs! Today is the last day of school - that's the place Mom goes to every day - and we're all so happy that Mom will be home with us a lot more for the next couple of months.
Here I am being cute! When I get sleepy I grab my favorite toy (by the mouth), wrap my paws around it and knead away until I fall asleep.
Here we all are in Mom and Dad's bed - we don't get to do this very often! Mom said she snapped this picture of me during the only 10 seconds I was still that morning.

And last but not least, here's a photo of me with my "I need a treat soooooooooooo badly!" look. Who could resist?
p.s. Clover, we're so glad you're back!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Visit from Coach

Yesterday, Mom's BFF Donna came to visit with one of her newest babies - Coach!
We were all SO EXCITED! Everyone wanted to smell him at once.
He smelled so sweet - like all little babies do!

Maybe when he gets bigger I can play ball with him!
Coach is only about 7 weeks old now. He's a chihuahua!
I think he likes me best!

Kisses! Wish he could stay with us forever...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Teenagers Already!

Mom's been so busy, I've really had to bug her to update our blog!

It's the last 2 months of school so there are lots of things to get done and reports to write and lesson plans to get caught up, whatever that means.

The chicks are adolescents now. They've lost their baby cuteness, been through their awkward stage and have entered their teens. Not quite ready to become egg-layers yet though. It will take a few months before that happens. For now, we're still waiting to see which are hens and which are roosters. I've smelled them lots and lots and I still can't tell.

They just look like they'd be fun to chase around! (Don't tell anyone, but I'm really a little scared of them.)

Hope everyone had a Happy Mothers' Day. We all made sure Mommy knew we loved her lots with tons of sloppy kisses!



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009


Partypalooza 2009 here I come!

Does that meatloaf have my name on it Emmitt?



Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sleepy Morning

Chrissy and Pete have a little nightly ritual. In the middle of the night, when Pete gets up to use the facilities, he walks over to the gate by the kitchen and "fake coughs" a couple of times. That's Chrissy's clue to come running. The other dogs sleep right through it. Chrissy runs straight to the bedroom and waits for me to pick her up and snuggle in right between us. Pete jumps right up in the morning and is ready to go when his feet hit the floor. Chrissy and I, however, take a while to get into focus and procrastinate as long as possible before making a move. We had a few really warm nights, but last night was cool again and Chrissy really needed coaxing this morning!

BTW, we would use everyone's help on a very important matter! We have a favorite set of sheets that are the softest, coziest sheets I have ever felt. They're an old, thin set of flannels. Unfortunately, they're really becoming threadbare. What are the absolute softest sheets you've ever had and where did you get them?

PeeEss from Roscoe: Are they canine approved?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Emma and the Birds

I've told you before about how much Emma loves our conure, Petey.
Well, now she seems to be equally enthralled with the chicks! She would stand there looking at them all day if Mom would let her!
She must have been a bird in a previous life...
Meanwhile, I gave them a quick once-over and then found better things to do -
sniffing around and looking outside. Mom said she bought weight-control dog food today and we all have to eat it. I told her to look at this picture of me and think again. I'm ready for summer! Maybe she'll just have to supplement my diet with lots of treats!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

So Big!

These little chicks have gotten so big so fast! Actually, this picture was taken last week and they still looked like babies then. This week they are at an awkward stage with half fuzz/half new feathers coming in and more adult looking heads. I don't want to say they're looking kind of ugly, but...let's just say they aren't quite as cute! The 2 chicks that we got free because they were being picked on are thriving - yeah!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just Because I'm So Cute!

Mom said I got this bone just 'cause I'm so cute!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Newest Babies

We weren't planning on getting any chicks, but they were on sale and we couldn't resist!We got 15 Golden Comets and also took 2 others for free, a Golden Comet and a Rhode Island Red, that were being picked on and pecked. I'm happy to say that they're doing fine with our little group. Roscoe and gang haven't seen them - we're not quite sure what they'd do!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, Joanna will never have puppies again! She was spayed a week ago on Monday, and she goes to get her stitches out tomorrow. The vet said that her uterus had a lot of lesions and was brittle so she may not have made it through another pregnancy. Thank goodness she was retired and got to come live with us! (Thank you Donna for believing in your gut feeling about her!)She looks happy and healthy, doesn't she? The vet did say that she is overweight and that Daddy simply must stop feeding her table scraps. I guess she gained 1 lb. since she came to live with us - not that long ago.
Oh-oh, she didn't mean that I couldn't have table scraps, did she?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finally - Concrete!

For a few years now Daddy has been waiting to finish the floor in the last section of the barn. Today the concrete was poured and it's looking great! Of course, it will be a while before Daddy lets me walk on it now. The picture below shows me checking out the rebar to see if it was properly laid (it was)!
Today Mommy had her first class in Reiki. Would you believe that the Reiki Master who taught the class, Kelly, has 2 pugs, and another girl in the class named Heather has 3 pugs! Heather is a mobile dog groomer who believes in many types of holistic medicine for her pets. For instance, they have acupuncture monthly. Very interesting and Heather is very knowledgeable about dogs so Mommy said she enjoyed speaking with her.

Happy Easter to all!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where's Waldo? I mean... Roscoe?

Who, me? Spinning Daddy's chair around?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Emma's Trip to the Vet

My poor, sweet sister had to go to the vet today! We all got very excited when Mom got the leash out, and when she put it on Emma we were sooooooooooooo sad that we couldn't go along. I made it very difficult for Mom to even get out of the door, but she still wouldn't take me with them. If I'd known they were going to the vet then, I would have run the other way! Emma had her yearly visit and Mom wanted them to look at the skin on her back. It turns out she has canine seborrhea oleosa - yuck! Mom has special shampoo for her and the vet said she should get better soon (but she'll probably always have to use that shampoo). When she got back home we all surrounded her like we hadn't seen her in days and gave her a big welcome. I love her seborrhea and all!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wow - Our First Award!

Thank you Rachel, Winston and Clementine at Ladypug Mugs for the award! I'm so excited!

Here are the award's rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write five random things about yourself.
4. Tag random people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged.

Five random things about us:
1. From Roscoe - I know how to make a face that Daddy can't resist at mealtimes. Sometimes I can even make it look like I'm about to cry. (Don't tell him I'm pretending.)
2. From Emma - I'm trying to break my addiction to Petey the bird. The last time I was in the living room I sat on Daddy's lap and tried not to even look at Petey.
3. From Sue - I'm going to start the first level of Reiki training next month and I can't wait to try it on Roscoe! I hope it will relax him a bit.
4. From Chrissy - I wish Mommy could hold me and carry me around every second of the day. She says she feels guilty when I look at her with my sweet little face!
5. From Joanna - I only bark because it's the only way I can get any attention around here! I may be the smallest but I'm also the loudest!

Now it's my turn to pass the award. I'm new to blogging but I have some favorites I check in on all the time and reading them inspired me to start this blog. Of course Clover and Ladypug Mugs already have the award, but here are a few more I just love to read:

The World According to Pearl

Too Cute Pugs

Life is Art...Art is Life

Chronicles of Pugs

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's that I smell?

Today Mom had to take a day off school for an appointment, so she and Dad decided it would be a good day to also clean out the chicken coop. Dad says the chickens work hard to make good fertilizer for the vegetable garden. Mom says it's nice that it's good for something! Now all the "girls" are happy in their clean coop with nice clean wood shavings in their laying boxes. Here's a picture Dad took of them. Aren't they pretty?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thank you Clover!

Roscoe here. Thanks to Clover and his Mom I have lots of new friends to visit - Rachel at Ladypug Mugs, Coco, Mya Boo Boo, Tibby, Roxie and Lucky - I can't wait! Clover you have been so very helpful!

Last night when we were all hanging out in the living room, I found this cute little blue toy on the floor. I thought Mom must have left it just for me. Chrissy and Joanna were looking at me like I was nuts! They said it looked like a CAT TOY to them! Those girls are such purists. Emma didn't have an opinion - she was totally enraptured with Petey the Bird and didn't even know the rest of us were there.
Catnip tastes good! Mom said it couldn't make me wilder than I already am!